Tools & Services

Remix v2.2 with new core Netlify primitives

Netlify and Remix

Tools & Services

Remix v2.2 with new core Netlify primitives

Netlify and Remix

Delivering Remix sites with Netlify just got easier and more powerful. With the recent updates to our Remix integration and our Remix starter template, you can make use of a host of powerful new capabilities of Remix and of tools across the Netlify platform.

Remix v2 on Netlify brings many benefits

The latest updates to our Remix integration lets developers use Remix v2.2 and delivers other benefits including:

  • Full support for Remix 2.2
  • Streaming responses from Netlify Functions and Edge Functions
  • Advanced cache control
  • New local development experience
  • Vite support coming soon

A rising tide

We recently renewed our commitment to making the core Netlify platform primitives even better and simpler to use. One motivation for this, was to enable the latest and greatest (and future) frameworks to thrive on Netlify and allow developers to use them as part of the suit of development and workflow tools that we provide. Ultimately, we hope that this will make for the best way to make a better web.

One beneficiary of some of the capabilities we recently launched, is Remix – and by association, the developers who love using this powerful and increasingly popular web framework. We’re delighted at how the maturing and expansion of our core platform primitives marries with the approach taken by the Remix team to harness the web platform.

Deploying a Remix site on Netlify

The documentation put together by the Remix team is great, and walks you through creating a site with Remix and also how to deploy your site using Netlify.

Our Remix template is available to use directly from the create-remix command to give you a site prepared and ready to deploy to Netlify:

npx create-remix@latest --template netlify/remix-template

Updating you projects from previous versions

If you are already using Remix on Netlify, you can update your project to make use of Remix v2 by following our migration guide.

Net gains

We’re excited at how the framework landscape continues to evolve. Especially in those areas where framework authors are leveraging both new and establish features of the web platform. Remix is a great example of that.

Rather than focussing on developing a framework of our own in the hope that this would serve the needs of every type of developer and project, we instead believe that delivering ever more powerful and usable core platform primitives will help to power a wide variety of options for developers. Helping future tools and frameworks to rise and to flourish too.

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